Health Promotion

Supporting Physical and Mental Well-being

Health is a personal asset, and the health of employees is an asset of a company. SII strives to maintain our employees’ physical and mental well-being and promote health enhancement programs in cooperation with health insurance associations and the labor union.

Specific Medical Checkups and Specific Health Guidance

Specific health guidance was held again in FY 2022 for employees aged 40 or over with a focus on metabolic syndromes. Based on the results of regular health checks, an industrial physician and nurses provide health guidance to improve employees’ lifestyles starting from those things found in one’s everyday lifestyle, which has gradually produced successful results.

In FY 2022, the implementation rate for specific medical checkups against both insured persons and insured persons’ dependants was 89.6%*1, and the rate for specific health guidance was 23.0%*1, which are below the national reference standards. We will promote health checkups and guidance to increase the implementation rates.

*1 Estimated value as of June 2023.

Data Health Plan: Second Term

The second term of “Data health plan” *2 started in FY 2018. SII has deployed the plan while incorporating new measures, such as follow-ups of cancer examinations and measures against the increasing severity of diabetes, along with the health services it has carried out in the past. Data analysis proves that medical expenses of elderly persons are greatly increasing, therefore, health guidance by phone is performed for dependents 60 years of age or older.

*2 Data health plan. The following section is listed in the “Japan Revitalization Strategy” established by the Cabinet in June 2013: require data analysis of items such as medical prescriptions for all health insurance associations, and then, based on this analysis, create, publish, operate, and evaluate a “Data health plan” as a project to preserve and promote the health of members.

Regular Health Checkups

In the regular health checks, gastric cancer risk screenings combined with barium inspection as well as cancer prevention screenings intended for detecting prostate cancer for men and cervical cancer for women are carried out with the aim of early detection and treatment. Blood analysis for uric acid and creatinine was introduced in FY 2015, and risk tests for cerebral infarction and heart failure were newly introduced in FY 2017. Cervical cancer screening (uterine cytology self-collection method) was abolished in FY 2020 after a change in national guidelines, and currently the use of the subsidiary aid system and comprehensive medical checkups is recommended. To provide accurate medical exams, effective exams will be introduced while reviews are carried out.

The results of regular health checks showed that the percentage of employees exceeding standards for blood pressure, lipids, and other factors tended to be high. With the cooperation of cafeteria operators, we drew up plans to provide Healthy Set Meals to encourage employees to think about their dietary habits. In FY 2019 this initiative was implemented at the Akita unit, and since FY 2020, we have been gradually expanding the program to other sites.

In addition, My Health Report is distributed to employees aged 40 and older. My Health Report is a single document designed just for the recipient that combines health rankings using big data maintained by subcontractors, highly individualized advice, and lifestyle improvement content including original meal and exercise prescriptions. Going forward, SII will provide information that employees themselves can proactively use to improve their lifestyles.

Preventative dental checkups

Dental checkups are carried out to prevent cavities and gum disease. From FY 2018, dental hygienists visited workplaces, used intraoral CCD cameras to perform dental checkups, and offered brushing instructions. However, from FY 2020, to prevent COVID-19 infections, gum disease diagnosis kits were mailed instead, and 476 people performed checkups in FY 2022. These checkups will be performed in the future to convey the importance of gum disease prevention to many employees.

Furthermore, “Free dental checkups” were also started in FY 2022 in partnership with a dental checkup agency so that employees can proactively take a dental-clinic checkup, and 19 people had dental checkups. SII will continue this so that many employees can receive effective brushing instructions and early-stage treatment.

Health Enhancement with Family

SII newly introduced the health promotion system KENPOS from May 2022. With KENPOS, users can read nutrition and health columns and enjoy exercise and daily reflections, with the hope that employees and their dependents will be motivated to take a look at their health. A walking event using the smartphone application within KENPOS was held in the fall, and 393 people participated throughout the year.

New initiatives included video streaming of seminars related to women’s health, the provision of online smoking cessation programs, and video streaming about the health hazards of smoking.

Even during the COVID-19 pandemic, SII continued health promotion activities with ingenuity. SII gradually started walking events as well.

* The following photos are from the 2019 initiative.

Yoga Health Enhancement Seminar
Yoga Health Enhancement Seminar

Health Counseling

SII provides a 24-hour consultation service for health counseling by cooperating with an external specialist agency.

In FY 2020, in response to the increase in the number of employees working from home, we stablished a system that allows remote interviews for health consultation and health guidance with occupational physicians and nurses.

Case Study of Health Promotion (Examples of activities in FY 2019)

Dalian Seiko Instruments Inc. held an annual Walking Event in which 130 employees participated. Table tennis tournaments were also held to promote health enhancement and friendship among employees.

trekking event
Walking Event